January 5, 2022
First day an individual may file for office to have their name placed on the ballot as a candidate at the 2022 election. (§32-606)
January 30, 2022
Last day for political subdivisions [the school board] to notify the Secretary of State, county clerks or election commissioners of offices to be filled, terms, vacancies, votes to cast, and filing deadlines
for each office. (§32-404 and §32-601)
February 15, 2022
Last day for incumbents (any current office holder) to file for office on the primary ballot. (§32-606)
March 1, 2022
Last day for non-incumbents (new filers) to file for office on primary election. (§32- 606)
May 10, 2022
Statewide Primary Election (§32-401)
June 15, 2022
ESUs holding elections in conjunction with the statewide general election must notify the Secretary of State, county clerks or election commissioners of offices to be filled, terms, vacancies, votes to cast,
and filing deadlines for each office. (§32-404 and §32-601)
June through October, 2022
NASB Candidate Engagement The Board Leadership staff will present this free engagement that provides an overview of the roles and responsibilities of board members. For more information, visit
July 15, 2022
Last day for incumbents (any current office holder) not on the Primary Ballot to file. (§32-606) Applies to educational service unit board members.
August 1, 2022
Last day for non-incumbents (new filers) to file for office. (§32-606) Applies to educational service unit board members.
November 8, 2022
Statewide General Election (§32-403)